October 12, 2006
Road Trip
There are those that find billboards offensive but I for one enjoy them for their tackiness so long as they are for local businesses.
- Saw first Wall Drug sign just outside of Shoshoni, WY (418 miles away). Surprised that I haven’t seen one earlier actually. I have read stories about signs in Antarctica.
- And close by, a billboard for “Microsurgery Vasectomy Removal”. Didn’t realize there was such a big market for that here.
- Not technically a billboard but I got a kick out of the sign for the town of Van Tassell, WY: Population 18.
And yes, Wall Drug is pretty much the most awesome thing ever. I grabbed my free bumper sticker, sign, and 5 cent cup o’ coffee. Didn’t seem to be any cups for the free ice water though.